Your Town Councillors and Town Clerk are always looking to work on new projects to make Aspatria a lovely place to live, work or visit. Please see below what we have been up to and what we are working towards:
I begin by saying that I hope that all in Aspatria had a wonderful Christmas and that 2024 brings to you good health and prosperity. The councillor elections took place in the summer where nominations for the existing councillors to be re-elected were received and overseen by the Cumberland Council election officer. All councillors were retained and during the election council matters were controlled by delegated powers undertaken by the Town Clerk and the councils Responsible Financial Officer. The council is now virtually up to full strength due to several new councillors being recently appointed since the summer elections. We have welcomed Chris Wilkinson, Linda Hunter, Adam Hankin, Sarah Edmondson, Henry Barker and Christine McDonald onto the council but were sorry to lose Barbara Blackburn and Jim Lister. The council website, postal and email addresses have been updated so that information can be shared with the citizens of Aspatria in a better way and also the Town Clerk puts posts on social media outlets.
I, as Mayor together with the Deputy Mayor have represented Aspatria at other town Mayors civic services at Cockermouth, Wigton and also the Judges Service which was held in Carlisle Cathedral at the invitation of the High Sheriff of Cumbria. Our own Aspatria civic service was held at St.Kentigerns church during September.
As we know our Queen Elizabeth passed away during September 2022 but we welcomed onto the throne King Charles whose Coronation took place in May 2023. To commemorate this occasion a tree has been planted in the flower bed situated in Market Square next to the east bound bus stop.
Sadly, we had to say cheerio to our Vicar Stewart Fyfe during July but we welcomed Matt Richards as his successor.
Using his specialist equipment thanks go to Joseph Dunn for cleaning the Wilfred Lawson monument and also the base of the Brae Lamp. The large tree between the monument and the Esso garage was causing concern so it was removed for safety reasons.
Aspatria railway station was brought into the modern ways as digital displays were installed on both platforms.
During August the Senior Citizens trip to Edinburgh was enjoyed by all. Fortune was on our side as it rained on both the journey to and from the Scottish capital but during our time there the weather was good.
During the summer hanging baskets were placed on lampposts together with flower mangers on Castle Terrace. Thanks to the efforts of the town Caretaker who underwent the task of watering these on a regular basis the displays were seen to be excellent. Again, the same can be said of the flower beds and tubs throughout the town.
Together with Cumberland Council the town council were able to provide a facelift programme for residents and businesses of the town to take advantage of so that they could if they so wished maintain the exterior of their properties.
New car park signage has been installed on the Brandraw car park which states what the car park is allowed to be used for.
During November together with St.Kentigerns church a Remembrance day parade was held. Poppy wreaths were laid at the park Remembrance gates and a service in the church followed. Onto December, the towns switch on took place on Sunday 3rd. Thanks go to Linda Hunter and her Dreamscheme volunteers for providing a wonderful Santas grotto in Beacon Hill school hall and also for arranging the fair rides.
Also, thanks once again to Iggesund for providing the Market Square Christmas tree.
The Christmas lights window free draw will take place in January 2024 with an array of excellent prizes.
Another enjoyable event, the senior citizens Christmas treat took place on Tuesday 12th December and well over 100 people attended. Thanks go to Gwen Atkinson who provided the catering, the Masonic Hall for the venue, Beacon Hill school for the choir and all the local businesses and individuals who provided the raffle prizes.
It is intended in January to have new paving laid at the area next to the Brandraw public toilet and the east bound bus shelter.
I end by saying that the town council are fully committed to continue with improving the facilities for the townspeople of Aspatria.
The town clerk can be contacted using the information on the council website or by “e” mail at
ALAN MAXWELL (Mayor) Aspatria Town Council.